What New Caney Homeowners Should Know About Wasps Removal



As all Texans know, wasps are just part of living in the Lone Star State, including in New Caney, Texas. Throughout the warm weather months and into the fall, you’ll likely encounter stinging insects eventually. They are on the lookout for food and water, and sometimes shelter. They will usually leave you alone (they’re actually quite unaware that you even exist), unless you happen to “invade” their turf. “Social wasps” (Paper wasps, hornets, yellowjackets, etc.) will get aggressive, and attack (in large numbers if there are many nearby) and sting their attackers. Stings are painful enough, but can prove fatal for those with allergies to wasp venom.

Wasps and other insects are attracted to the delicious foods and sweet beverages you’re serving at your cookout, and maybe to your swimming pool (in search of water).

Through July and August, and then into the fall, wasps will begin getting their queen(s) ready to overwinter so that she can begin a new colony the following spring. They’ll even go digging through your trash to find food.

Keep Your Cool Around Wasps

When a wasp is killed, it releases a pheromone scent to let other nearby wasps know that danger is in the area. Killing wasps only serves to provoke other wasps who might end up attacking you to sting you. If you’re being chased by wasps, back away slowly, but steadily, and DO NOT wave your arms around. If you back up far enough, wasps will go back to their business.

Wasp drinking water




How to Prevent Wasps on Your Property

Here are some steps you can take to help ensure that wasps won’t visit an area.

1. No fruit, sweets, or soft drinks lying around in your kitchen or patio. Keep fruit in your refrigerator. This will also reduce potential fruit fly infestations.

2. Treat outdoor areas with a reliable pesticide labeled for wasps and hornets. Treat underneath the eaves of your home’s roof, and underneath your wooden decks in the spring and then again in the fall. Thoroughly coat the eaves’ undersides.

3. Keep trash covered tightly and as far away from your home’s entrances as possible. This will send hungry wasps elsewhere in search of food, hopefully off of your property.

Wasp control can be a dirty (and sometimes even dangerous!) business. And do you really want to be spending all your free time chasing after wasp problems? You can do a lot to prevent them, but at some point, you may just end up dealing with a wasp nest. If you are overwhelmed by a wasp problem in your home or business, or even for preventive maintenance, contact our Texas pest control experts today! You can also call us at 832.898.0190. We can help you and your family enjoy the summer with a home and yard free of wasps!


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