
Types Of Wood-Destroying Insects In Texas

Types Of Wood-Destroying Insects In Texas

Wood-destroying insects (WDIs) consume and chew on wood, as one might assume. These insects create headaches as well as money for repairs. They are cunning, forming huge colonies within the confines of your home. Furthermore, they frequently go unnoticed for years, implying that you may be living with them right now.


Termites are winged insects that feed on the cellulose in wood and chew through it, creating a network of tunnels. The wood appears good on the surface, but it crumbles when pushed with a screwdriver or other tool. The most frequent varieties are subterranean and dry wood termites. Subterranean termites live underground and require moisture to survive. They infest wood that is close to the soil, particularly in moist basements, and are commonly found in foundation joists and structural lumber. Drywood termites, as the name implies, consume dry wood such as structural lumber, fence posts, and dead tree branches. They do not build their nests underground and then enter your home through the roof.

Termite Control in Kingwood

Powderpost Beetles

Powderpost beetles have elongated bodies and short heads. Depending on the species, they range in length from 1/8 to 3/4 inches. Powderpost beetles lay their eggs on top of or near the surface of the wood. When the eggs hatch, the larvae eat on the wood for one to five years, chewing a tunnel to the surface. Hard and softwoods are both eaten by bugs. The species determines the type of wood consumed, and damage is frequently observed in floors, planks, paneling, door frames, furniture, and molding.

Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ants don’t eat wood, but they use it to build colonies. Depending on the species, these huge ants appear in a variety of hues, such as red, black, yellow, and brown. Carpenter ants, like termites, have wings. Unlike termites, which have equal-length wings, carpenter ants have longer front wings than back wings. Carpenter ants find the perfect entry point into your home through rotting wood. They’re frequently seen in basements or around rotting timber along window sills or leaky pipes. A carpenter ant infestation might be indicated by piles of wood shavings.

Wood Borers

Wood borers are a type of bug that consumes trees, acorns, and nuts. When these insects emerge as larvae, they leave holes in the wood, but they do not cause structural harm. Metallic wood borers, wood wasps, bark beetles, and long-horned beetles are examples of common wood-boring insects. The appearance of each species differs. Some are tiny, such as the 1/8-inch-long bark beetle, while others, such as the 2-inch-long long-horned beetle, are enormous. Timber borers are frequently discovered in firewood, log homes, and structural wood. 

When it comes to destructive wood insects, don’t let them ruin your day or your home.

Please follow your instincts and contact FullScope Pest Control if you suspect that you have a wood-destroying insect infestation in your home. Our professional termite and WDI inspectors are well-versed in the warning signs of these wood-destroying pests and know where to look for them in the first place.


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