Don’t Let the Tawny Mole Cricket Ruin Your Lawn!

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Tawny Mole crickets are odd, almost prehistoric-looking underground pests that can undo all the hard work you’ve put into your lawn. These insects feature clawed front legs which are perfect for digging underneath your lawn and tearing up your turfgrass, while also feeding on the roots. Read on for some easy ways to make them feel unwelcome on your property–to get rid of them for good, there’s a good chance you’ll need the help of a professional pest control company.

What Are Tawny Mole Crickets?

Tawny Mole crickets are small, burrowing insect that is native to the southeastern United States. These pesty critters are most active during the late spring and early summer months. Female Tawny Mole crickets lay their eggs in underground burrows, and the nymphs that hatch from these eggs look like miniature adults. Tawny Mole cricket nymphs go through 7 phases of molting before they reach adulthood. Adult Tawny Mole crickets are light brown in color and have wings that they use to fly short distances.

Can Tawny Mole Crickets Damage My Lawn?

While they may look harmless, Tawny Mole crickets can cause serious damage to your lawn. Tawny Mole Crickets tunnel through the ground underneath your lawn in search of food, and their tunnels weaken and kill grass plants. In addition, these pests are known to feed on young turfgrass plants, which can stunt the growth of your lawn. If you have a Tawny Mole cricket problem, you may notice small mounds of dirt in your lawn or damaged grass leaves. You may also hear a high-pitched chirping noise coming from underground—this is the sound of the male Tawny Mole cricket’s mating call to nearby females. You probably don’t want these pests reproducing!


Tawny Mole Cricket Damage

As we mentioned, Tawny Mole crickets cause damage to lawns in two ways: by tunneling through the ground and by feeding on turfgrass plants. As they tunnel through the soil in search of food, Tawny Mole crickets loosen and break up soil clods, uproot small plants, and damage plant roots. This tunneling activity can reduce the ability of grass plants to absorb water and nutrients from the soil, which weakens the plants and makes them more susceptible to disease.

And then there’s the feeding on your grass part. Tawny Mole crickets often feed on young turfgrass plants (especially the roots), which can stunt the growth of your lawn.

How Do I Get Rid of Tawny Mole Crickets?

The best way to control Tawny Mole crickets is to prevent them from infesting your lawn in the first place. To do this, you need to regularly inspect your property for signs of these pests and take action immediately if you start noticing them.

Start by removing any organic debris—leaves, mulch, tree branches, etc.—from your yard as this can provide shelter for tawny mole crickets. In addition, keep an eye out for adult Tawny Mole crickets flying into your yard from adjacent properties; if you see any, take measures to prevent them from entering your yard. Finally, make sure that all gaps and cracks around doors, windows, and other potential entry points into your home are sealed so that these pests cannot set up camp indoors.

If you already have a Tawny Mole cricket problem in your lawn, there are several steps you can take to get rid of these pests. One option is to use a bait that contains cyanide or strychnine; however, these baits are extremely poisonous and should only be used as a last resort. A safer option is to use a bait that contains certain insecticides; these baits can effectively kill off Tawny cricket nymphs before they have a chance to mature into adults that will damage your lawn. Another option is to use a Nematode-based biological control agent; Nematodes are tiny worms that parasitize and kill insects such as grubs (the larval stage of beetles) and caterpillars. Some Nematode species will also attack Tawny nymphs. You can purchase Nematodes at most garden stores or online retailers.

So, remember: don’t let the Tawny Mole cricket ruin your beautiful lawn and your summer! These pests can cause extensive damage by tunneling through soil and feeding on turfgrass plants. Take preventive measures by regularly inspecting your property and removing any organic debris that could provide shelter for these critters. In addition, be sure to seal up any gaps or cracks around doors, windows, and other potential entry points into your home so that Tawny Mole crickets cannot get inside. If you already have a Tawny problem in your yard, there are several options for getting rid of these pests – including using bait or a Nematode-based biological control agent. Take action now so that you can enjoy a gorgeous lawn all summer long!

Despite your best lawn care efforts, at times, pests and lawn diseases may just become overwhelming. Calling a professional lawn service is always much more cost effective and a timesaver in the long run if you feel you are overwhelmed with Tawny Mole crickets and other pests that might be damaging your beautiful yard. This can help you deter expensive damage by getting a handle on things early on. Call our Texas FullScope lawn pest control experts today at 832-898-0190 for a consultation. Or email us at [email protected]. We can quickly help you get your lawn Tawny Mole cricket problem under control, as well as other expensive pest problems in your home or business.


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