
Brown Patch in Lawns – Causes, Treatments, and Prevention

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There is a specific fungus known as “Brown Patch” fungus, which is also known as “large patch disease.” is a lawn disease caused by a single species of fungus, Rhizoctonia. Most often this disease occurs in mid-to-late summer during hot and humid stretches, and these conditions make things perfect for this fungus to thrive.

Generally speaking, brown patches in your lawn can be caused by a variety of factors, including insects, disease, fungi, and even stress. In order to get rid of brown patches in your lawn, you first need to identify the cause. Once you know the cause, you can then treat the brown patches and take steps to prevent them from returning in the future. But let’s get back to Brown Patch (Rhizoctonia).

Causes of Brown Patch in Lawns

There are a number of different things that can cause brown patches in your lawn. One of the most common causes is a fungal disease known as “Brown Patch.” Brown Patch specifically is caused by stretches of high heat and humidity, and this fungus can harm both cool-season and warm-season grasses. Other common causes of brown patches in lawns include insects, compaction, drought stress, and mowing too close to the ground.

Treating Brown Patch in Lawns

The best way to treat brown patches in your lawn will vary depending on the underlying cause. If the brown patches are caused by Brown Patch fungus, for example, you’ll need to apply a fungicide specifically designed to kill that particular fungus. If drought stress is the cause of brown patches in your lawn, you’ll need to water deeply and regularly until the grass has recovered. You may also need to apply a nitrogen fertilizer if the grass is particularly stressed. 


Preventing Brown Patch in Lawns 

There are a number of things you can do to prevent brown patches from forming in your lawn in the first place. Not mowing the lawn too close to the ground, and regular watering early in the mornings along with a fertilizer treatment are a perfect place to start.

For more specific, systematic steps for preventing and treating the Brown Patch fungus, do the following:

  • Water on a regular schedule (early mornings are best, so your lawn has time to dry out during the day)
  • Mow with your mower setting high up from the ground
  • Keep your lawn clear of thatch and other lawn clutter
  • Fertilize properly, per fertilizer package directions
  • Aerate your lawn on a regular basis to reduce compaction and improve drainage 
  • Apply a Brown Patch-specific fungicide

Brown patches in your lawn are unappealing to look at and can be frustrating to deal with. But by taking the time to identify the underlying causes and taking steps to treat and prevent Brown Patch (and other types of brown patches), you can keep your lawn looking its best all season long!

Despite your best lawn care efforts, at times, pests and lawn diseases may just become overwhelming. Calling a professional lawn service is always much more cost effective and a timesaver in the long run if you feel you are overwhelmed with Brown Patch, and other lawn diseases and pests that might be damaging your beautiful yard. This can help you deter expensive damage by getting a handle on things early on. Call our Texas FullScope lawn pest control experts today at 832-898-0190 for a consultation. Or email us at [email protected]. We can quickly help you get your Brown Patch problem under control, as well as other expensive pest problems in your home or business.


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