What are the Most Common Mistakes? in Rodent Control

Wasp and Honey Bee Nest: What Homeowners Need To Know

What are the most common mistakes homeowners make when it comes to rodent control in their homes?  We have put together a list of items that we deal with when a homeowner tries to DIY their rodent control.

One of the biggest issue we see in this industry is that homeowner only simply think about rat or mice extermination.  Of course getting rid of the rodent that is destroying your insulation and pooping everywhere is a good start, but the main one is preventing the entry at all.  Why are rats being able to enter your home or attic?  Exclusion is the key step that is not done or not done properly and so year after year you continue to struggle with rodents in your home.

Another issue that homeowners do not understand is that there is usually many more than just one accidental, unwanted guest.  Limited knowledge of their behavior and habits can make if difficult for homeowners to be successful with trapping and baiting.  Most of the time, you are not being aggressive enough in your removal and trapping.  You never just bring a knife to a gun fight as the saying goes.  We want to attack them aggressively and swiftly, with numerous mechanisms.

Homeowners also have a tendency to underestimate the risk of rodenticide and how they should be properly handled, applied and areas where they should and not be used.  We receive calls every day of the week about homeowners dealing with a dead rodent, they were possibly baiting for a rat, but ended up killing a larger animal in the attic and they do not want to remove the smelly thing!  Rodent bait has a time and place, and should be used by professionals, who understand placement, safety and the risk associate with use.


Feeding the rats, homeowners we all love our birds, vegetables, and fruit trees.  But these things feed the rats, and other rodents.  Leaving these things accessible in the evening will only encourage rodent populations.  Not all things can be controlled or eliminated, but to the best of our ability we should try to reduce as many additional, external food items as possible.  That includes your trash, keep those lids on tight.  And keep your garage doors closed at night.

Improper trap placements, this is a big one if you are trying to trap the rats yourself, again, understanding their habits, habitats, and movements takes years of experience and continues learning.

We take that statement below seriously and we spend time every month continuing to improve our knowledge and skills when it comes to pest control and rodent control.

Rodent Control is a Science


Read Our Article on Rodent Proofing Your Home and Garage

When it comes to rodent control there are a few things that need to happen consistently when you think about rodent control and keeping them out of your house.

  • Seal of your house a well as you can:  you do not need to give the mice and rats an open invitation to enter.
  • Keep your food in containers and tightly sealed:  We do not need to offer them food and lodging.
  • Clean up your dishes and empty the sink
  • Do not leave your pet food out:  this applies to inside and outside
  • Use tight fitting lids on your trash containers
  • Keep your compost bins away from your house

Following all these steps will help you keep your house and business rodent free this winter.

But if by chance you need a hand, we are here to help.

We are a full-service pest control company with the knowledge and skill set to eradicate you mouse and rat problem no matter what the size.


How to kill rats

Call us today at FullScope Pest Control 832-898-0190

or visit our website for live chat or to set up an appointment.


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