
Don’t Let Sod Webworms Ruin Your Lawn This Summer!

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Hot summer days are the perfect time to relax on the lawn with a good book or have a picnic with family and friends. But if you notice your lawn starting to turn brown and patchy, it may be due to sod webworms. These pests can kill an entire lawn in a matter of days, especially when the weather turns hot. In this blog post, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about sod webworms, what to watch for, and how to get rid of them.

What are Sod Webworms?

Sod webworms are small caterpillars that feast on grass, causing damage to lawns. The larvae are dark colored and have stripes running down their backs. They range in size from 1/2 inch to 1 inch long. Sod webworms are native to the United States and have a lifespan of about one year. These pests are known for being a nuisance on home lawns as well as cemeteries, golf course greens, and other areas exposed to plentiful sunlight. 

Sod webworms are named for the web-lined tunnels in which they hide during the daytime. Adult moths (grass moths or lawn moths) are white or tan with snout-like projections coming out of their heads and wings that wrap around their bodies. If you ever see moths flying just above the grass on your lawn in the evenings, there’s a good chance that you have (or will have) webworms feeding on and damaging your lawn.


Are There Benefits to Having Sod Webworms on Your Lawn?

Interestingly enough, sod webworms can actually be beneficial for your lawn! The larvae that feed on blades of your grass fertilize the lawn and help aerate the soil. This can actually result in a lusher, healthier lawn overall, though the brown, dead patches are something you’ll likely want to address. In other words, these probably aren’t pests you’ll want to keep around!

How Do You Get Rid of Sod Webworms?

Before a sod webworm infestation kills off your lawn entirely, there are a few things you can do to get rid of them. You can manually remove them by picking them off the grass or using a garden hose to blast them away. You can also try using natural predators like nematodes or ladybugs. Another option is to use an organic insecticide like neem oil or diatomaceous earth.

Just remember, you don’t have to put up with sod webworms ruining your lawn this summer!

Despite your best lawn care efforts, at times, pests and lawn diseases may just become overwhelming. Calling a professional lawn service is always much more cost effective and a timesaver in the long run if you feel you are overwhelmed with sod webworms and other pests that might be damaging your beautiful yard. This can help you deter expensive damage by getting a handle on things early on. Call our Texas FullScope lawn pest control experts today at 832-898-0190 for a consultation. Or email us at [email protected]. We can quickly help you get your lawn pest problem under control, as well as other expensive pest problems in your home or business.


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