Termites are usually called “silent destroyers” because they can lurk and feed in an oh-so-secret manner around your home or yard, not giving one hint of damage. While it is ecologically beneficial, the feeding behavior of the termite adds nutrients to the soil by breaking down detritus. This same feeding behavior becomes very detrimental to human dwellings. Understand how these pests injure your property and ultimately become costly, precious disasters for homeowners to prevent. Here, we cover the top three ways termites affect your home and exactly what termite control can be done about that.

Understanding Termite Damage
Structural Damage
Termites feed mostly on wood, but it is not limited to that. Other things that can cause destruction include paper, books, insulation, and sometimes swimming pool liners and filtration systems. Termite feeding can weaken structural beams, causing foundation and structural damage. Subterranean termite species are considered the most destructive. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, homeowners spend billions of dollars each year on termite control and repair. The most common structural damage sign is when floors and ceilings begin sagging, wood starts hollowing or crumbling, and mazes become visible within walls or furniture.
Decreased Property Value
Termites can ruin the presence of the sale of a home. Houses infested with termites become relatively undesirable during sale procedures. Quite a good number of potential buyers are likely to withdraw from an agreement of sale or ask for a much-reduced price due to an inspection showing damage by termites. Real estate experts estimate that the stigma associated with a termite infestation alone could reduce the property resale value by at least 20%. Precautions and strong paperwork of termite treatments can help reduce the effects.
Health Risks Associated with Termites
Besides being a threat to the structure of your home, the termite can also pose a health threat to its inhabitants. Though termites are not poisonous, they can exacerbate allergies and asthma. When the feces and remnants are disturbed, they become airborne, a great irritation to any sensitive respiratory system. Moreover, for very many homeowners, dealing with such an infestation could mean psychosocial disturbances leading to distress and anxiety, among other disturbances.
Prevention and Treatment Options for Termite Control
The importance of preventing termite infestation must be emphasized; instead, it is essential to wait for treatment after infestation. Termites may stay hidden within the wood for years without showing visible signs of infestation. Routine inspections by pest control professionals may help detect early activities that could save homeowners from incurring high costs. Also, keep soil, mulch, and wood from your home’s foundation and have proper drainage to avert the risk of infestation. The other involves termite treatments, including soil treatments, termite baits, and wood treatments that kill and control this colony.
The threat posed to the home by these termites is formidable—ranging from structural damage that can cost thousands of dollars to devalued property to health hazards. Taking steps to protect your home against the termite threat may help protect not only the value of your home but also the structural integrity. At Fullscope Pest Control, you are sure of services that experts handle to avoid or resolve any termite issue. Inspect and treat with customization by our experienced team, which will secure your investment and deliver peace of mind. Contact us for more information or to schedule an appointment today.